高检测灵敏度: 可检测到半个回形针大小的金属,不会漏报和串报.
自我诊断: 内置自我诊断程序,开机自检,出错自动提示并能够自动测量和显示周围环境的干扰情况。
飞物报警功能: 金属物体从门中间抛过也会准确报警.
智能分辨: 能区分铁磁质和非铁磁质金属物品.
低探测高度: 离地2CM以上的金属物体进入检测区域均可报警.
多区位报警功能: 人体不同位置的多个金属通过安检门时同时报警,并可以指示多个金属的位置.
开机自诊断功能: 开机时对系统进行自检,并显示检测结果.
多区域独立探测: 18个独立探测区域,18区位显示,每个区域2000级灵敏度等级调节,为满足客户所探测不同的违禁物品,可根据实际使用情况预先设定金属物品的可能部位及体积、重量、大小进行适当的灵敏度调节,排除皮带扣、钥匙、首饰、硬币等物品的误报,
模块化组件设计: 运输、维护方便快捷.
探测精度: 最高灵敏度在门正中间检测到一根大头针(或1/2)回形针,不会漏报和串报.可在排除皮带扣、皮鞋、文胸等物品的
抗干扰设计: 根据周围环境,开机自动设置频率避开干扰,多台门并排工作时相互靠拢,对探测性能也无明显影响.
区位显示: 产品分成18防区,18区位显示可疑物能在每个区域准确显示.
频率设置: 可自动设11种频率,不同频率设定不同铃声,也可进行手动设频,7000-8999Hz任意设置.
灵敏度调节: 灵敏度可以根据需要调整,共有2000级灵敏度.
统计人数: 双侧对射红外可以准确检测到通过人数和报警人数.
四侧定位灯: 门体四侧均带有LED灯,能直观地通过定位灯显示违禁物品所在区域,视角可达360°
声光报警: 9款报警提示音可调,音量大小可调,报警时间长短可调.
面板显示: 采用液晶(LCD)显示,中文、英文菜单相互切换.
防震设计: 在刮风或人为晃动下不会误报.
一键设置: 内置智能芯片,储存多种场所推荐探测灵敏度设定值,方便用户快速选择。
门体材质: 外表采用PVC,与进口品牌材质完全相同,美观、大方、防火、防腐蚀、防潮和防撞,不变形.
遥控操作: 使用遥控器对参数进行设置,参数可以设密码保护,非授权人员无法进行操作.
网络连接(选配): 预留通讯接口,可以与电脑、摄像头、三轧辊等连接,监控、统计探测情况,调整安检门参数
安全保护: 符合国际安全标准,对心脏起博器佩带者、孕妇、磁性介质等无害.
运输重量: 约70 kg
功耗: <15W
工作温度: -25℃~55℃
工作湿度: 95%,无冷凝
外接电源: 180V~240V,50/60HZ
工作频率: 根据安装环境自行调节
外形尺寸: (mm)2220(高)×820(宽)×500(深)
通道尺寸: (mm)2000(高)×700(宽)×500(深)

English description
CSD-A7000 ( LCD ) luxury type liquid crystal display metal detection door
Performance introduction
CSD-A7000 metal detector gate ( security doors) using the world's most advanced electromagnetic compatible dual detecting technology, the original global earthquake design, has high detection precision, anti-jamming capability is extremely strong, accurate counting, good stability and so on. When the body carrying metal articles by can produce alarm device, can accurately detect human body or hand body package box with metal objects containing metal items, such as various control tools, weapons, metal products, electronic products and other metal containing items, used to conduct safety inspection, check anti-theft an effective tool, mainly used in government agencies, public security organs, procuratorate, court, prisons, detention, the customs, airport, station, gymnasium, exhibition venues, entertainment venues, large gatherings and other places and hardware, electronics, jewelry, military, mint and other factories or enterprises!
Performance introduction:
The original global seismic design, the door body adopts the PVC advanced synthetic material manufacturing process, and a rubber sleeve, with waterproof and fireproof, anticorrosive etc..
6 overlapping metal detection area, using the digital pulse technology, interactive transmitting and receiving, to accurately determine the metal object position
The panel of the mainframe case with LCD light display module, can directly see the body to carry concealed contraband corresponding position.
Panel, front panel LCD ( LCD ) display, with Chinese and English menu, built in a variety of places recommended detection sensitivity setting, with the push of a button, such as electronic factory, electronic factory, all the parameters are electronic factory parameter, the installation and the operation more simple.
You can use remote control to control parameters. Parameters can be password protected, so that unauthorized personnel to operate.
Automatic coil winding and the host chip production can more accurately achieve the detection effect, with continuous working characteristic.
Each detection area with 200 sensitive procedures can be arbitrary regulation, to meet customer different contraband detection, according to the actual use of preset metal objects may position and volume, weight, size appropriate sensitivity adjustment, exclude belt buckle, key, jewelry, coins and other items of false positives, the highest sensitivity can detect a size of the metal clip.
Composite circuit design, signal frequency can be adjusted freely, the use of advanced dispersive infrared scanning, quickly capturing the induction signal, and the grid installation of multiple detection door work without mutual interference.
Strong DSP signal processing digital filtering system, using the world's most advanced electromagnetic compatibility technology formed a very good electromagnetic interference resistance ability and strong resistance to touch and impact.
Built in self test, diagnostic procedures, error automatically prompts and can automatically measure and display the ambient interference.
Automatically by the number of statistics and the alarm time, the accurate rate of 100%.
Password protection, allowing only in charge of personnel, operating, preventing unauthorized people changed parameters, no need of maintenance, no need of regular calibration.
For RS-485 communication interface with the computer networking, monitoring, statistical usage, and can be configured according to user requirements remote control device.
In compliance with international safety standards, the body of the cardiac pacemaker, pregnant women, floppy disk, magnetic tape, tape, film recording data and no negative effects.
Technical standard:
Electrical reference EN60950 safety standards.
Radiation according to EN50081-1 standards.
Anti interference according to EN50082-1 standards.
Strict enforcement of existing national standards through the metal detector.
Through a comprehensive ISO9001 : 2000 quality management system certification.
All through the European CE certification.
Three: technical parameters:
External power: 215V - 230V 50 / 60Hz
Power: 35W
Work environment: - 20 DEG C to 45 DEG C.
Transport the whole weight of about 95kg:
Operating frequency: according to the installation of environmental self-regulation
Machine weight: About 90kg
Dimensions: ( mm ) 2220 ( high ) x 820 ( W) x 522 ( deep )
Channel size: ( mm ) 2000 ( high ) x 700 ( W) x 522 ( deep )